Munir Sheikh is a research professor at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. He has published over twenty academic papers in books of readings and top-class journals, such as the Journal of International Economics.
He is a prolific commentator on public policy issues in the Canadian print media and on national television; is a recipient of many Canadian and international awards; and has been a guest speaker at prestigious universities like Harvard, Princeton, Western, and Toronto.
He resigned as the Chief Statistician of Canada in 2010 to protest the inappropriate interference by Prime Minister Stephen Harper's government with the national census, for which he was widely hailed in Canada and internationally.
John Ibbitson of the Globe and Mail, Canada's national newspaper, wrote: "Munir Sheikh Shows Us What Integrity and Leadership Look Like." Tavia Grant of the Globe opines, "An Independent Mind Has Always Characterized Sheikh." Steven Chase of the Globe says, "Statistics Canada Chief Falls on Sword over Census."
Simon Tuck of the Globe asked, "Who is Afraid of Munir Sheikh?" commenting on his other work.
Dr. Sheikh lived through Pakistan's 1965 war with India, which became the catalyst behind his passion to tell the story in his debut novel.